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Ibrahim Pasha

Posted: Mon Jan 12, 2015 1:02 pm
by john sefton
Ibrahim Pasha, adopted son of the great Mehemet Ali and his most successful General, who died in November 1848 is commemorated on an Egyptian stamp issued on November 10th 1947.
1.000.000 copies were printed, and though they were on sale for seven days only, they were valid for four months.
The stamp, a 10 mills photoengraved, is in green [Portrait of Ibrahim) and rich red brown for the sea battle which takes up most of the background.
Since most of Ibrahim's successes, which were considerable, were won on land, it is presumed that this action is part of the Greek Civil War, where Ibrahim took 60 ships in 1824, and speedily stamped out the Greek rebellion. He was subsequently forced to withdraw and his fleet was destroyed by the Allies at the Battle of Navarino [1827).