Three Hierarkhа (Battleship) 1766.Russia

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Three Hierarkhа (Battleship) 1766.Russia

Post by Anatol » Tue Jun 09, 2015 12:08 pm

Battleship “Three Hierarchs” was built in 1766 in St. Petersburg at the Admiralty shipyard project experienced ship engineer Lambe Yames and named in honor of the bishop-theologians of the first centuries of the Christian era Basil the Great, Gregory the Theologian, John Chrysostom. Vessel length 47.4 m, width 12.5 m, depth 5.5 m the hold. Weapons were sixty-six guns. The perfect shape of the hull of the ship were harmoniously combined with beautiful decor. Figureheads was a warrior in the Roman clothes. Stern adorned composition of four figures of nymphs and caryatids, connected by an intricate swirls ornament. All elegant high relief was gilded, and looked good on the background of blue lattice balconies. During the Russian-Turkish war of 1768-1774 the ship in the squadron of Admiral G.A.Spiridov participated in Chios and then Chesma naval battles on June 24-26 (July 5-7) in 1770. Under the command of Captain brigadier rank S.K. Greig he fearlessly fought at a very close distance from the enemy and inflicted significant damage, although he was seriously damaged. On the ship, the "Three Hierarchs" Kaiser-held flag-Chief of Russian naval and land forces in the Archipelago General A.G.Orlov, chief count received Chesma title in exchange for unprecedented victory in the battle of Chesma. S.K. Greig was assigned the rank of Rear Admiral. From January to October 1774 "Three hierarchy" at the head of left to cruise to the islands of Patmos and Samos, blocking the Turkish coast. October 7 came Aouzou. 16 May 1775 went to Russia, May 26 at Cape Matapan joined the squadron of Vice-Admiral A.V. Yelmanova .19 October 1775 arrived in Kronstadt. July 7, 1776 participated in the review of the Highest Courts Archipelago squadron in Kronstadt raid, and then in the exercises in the Red Sea Gorki.After this ship not left standing in the Kronstadt harbor. The ship "Three Hierarchies" dismantled in 1786 in Kronstadt. The design of the Guinea-Bissau stamp is made after painting of W.S.Emishev: Battleship " Three Hierarchy " .
Cameroun 2015;250f;SG? PMR 2014;T;SG? Source:

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