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Rakit-raft of Malaysia

Posted: Mon Feb 12, 2018 9:26 pm
by Anatol
Rakit- term for a raft of logs or bamboo poles in Indonesia and Malaysia: . Used on rivers to transport produce and timber, or in quiet waters as a houseboat. Materials lashed together with bark or wood-fiber ropes. Bamboo rafts have thicker ends at the bow, tapering toward the stern; square at bow with a long, wooden peg run athwartships through holes in the poles. When carrying a heavy load, 2-3 layers of poles may be bound together.Poles along the sides serve as gunwales; a raised platform covered with palm thatching provides a shelter.Often poled from the bow and stern, supplemented by paddlers. Length may exceed 13m.
Malaysia 2016;3,0RM.
Source: . A Dictionary of the world’s Watercraft from Aak to Zumbra.