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«Arthur James»-fishing schooner

Posted: Mon Apr 23, 2018 10:01 pm
by Anatol
Fishing schooner «Arthur James» had been built in 1905. She had seen sixteen seasons and four collisions, the most recent in 1916 off Castle Island, where she sank in fifty feet of water after being run down by steamer. Every spring around March, the seiners of the mackerel fleet would fit out and prepare to head south to meet the schools of mackerel off the Carolina capes. Then, through the summer, the fleet would pursue the schools north along the coast, finding them by autumn off Nova Scotia. The design stamp is made after painting of Christopher Blossom. In the picture we see: “This is a view of the schooner "Arthur James" leaving Gloucester just after the turn of the century. She is heading out of the harbor at sunrise with a blustery northwest wind. Behind her is the fort section of town. Around her, at anchor and throughout the harbor, the fleet prepares to get under way. With a full load of salt and one seine boat on deck and another towing astern, the "Arthur James" is bound south.”
Somalia 2010;2500. Source: asp?p=87&a=10&t. https://books. google. ru/ books?id=s2mBTh6mC.